@COMMENT This file was generated by bib2html.pl version 0.94 @COMMENT written by Patrick Riley @COMMENT This file came from Freek Stulp's publication pages at @COMMENT http://www-clmc.usc.edu/~stulp/publications @InProceedings{beetz03agilo, title = {{AGILO} RoboCuppers 2003: Computational Priciples and Research Directions}, author = {Michael Beetz and Suat Gedikli and Robert Hanek and Thorsten Schmitt and Freek Stulp}, booktitle = {RoboCup International Symposium 2003}, year = {2003}, month = {July}, series = {Padova}, abstract = {This paper gives an overview about the approaches chosen by the middle size robot soccer team of the Munich University of Technology, the AGILO RoboCuppers. First a brief sytem overview will be given. Then the computational priciples are described. Finally the directions for further research are outlined.}, bib2html_pubtype = {Team Description Paper}, bib2html_rescat = {RoboCup}, file = {ROBOCUP-SYMP-03-AGILO-TDP-Beetz-etal.pdf:http\://www9.in.tum.de/publications/2003/ROBOCUP-SYMP-03-AGILO-TDP-Beetz-etal.pdf:PDF} }